Unbelievable: Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells

It is well known that chemotherapy is less effective if the cancer is advanced --the more advanced it is, the less effective shall the therapy be. But, the latest study shows the opposite effect of grape seed extract: if the cancer is more advanced, the extract would work better on the destruction.

Moreover, the study also shows that grape seed extract targets those cancer cells that have become highly resistant to chemotherapy, and it does not harm the healthy cells.

In the light of this extraordinary discovery, it is confirmed that grape seeds are more effective in the treatment of a late-stage cancer when compared to chemotherapy.

You will not only need less and less of the extract to kill the cancer cells, but the extract can also affect the cells that have become resistant to the medication, which makes the chemotherapy useless.

The research team conducted the experiment on colorectal cancer lines that represent every stage of the disease.

It usually takes more medications to kill cancer cells in the IV stage than in the II, but when it comes to grape seed extract it is just the opposite. Molly Derry, a doctoral candidate in the laboratory of the University of Colorado reveals:

“It takes less than half of the concentration to control the cell growth and destroy 50% of the cells in the IV stage, compared to the amount that is required to achieve similar results in the second stage. Colon cancer cells may have more than 11,000 genetic mutations -- differences related to the DNA of the healthy cells. Traditional chemotherapy can target a specific mutation, and as the cancer grows the number of mutations increases. These changes may lead to resistance of the cancer to chemotherapy. On the other hand, many of the bioactive compounds in the grape seed extract can target more mutations. The efficacy of the extract grows as the number of mutations increases.”

The study was conducted at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and it has been published in the journal “Cancer Letters.” The study involved cell cultures of colon carcinoma, not living beings, and that is exactly what modern medicine craves for.

The previous studies have documented that grape seeds can destroy cancer, and this study has found a possible way in which this could happen.
Scientists think that grape seed extract causes oxidative stress that leads to programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis.

Molly Derry Explained:

“For some time we knew that the bioactive compounds found in grape seeds selectively target many types of cancer cells. This study explains how most of the mutations that stimulate the colon cancer cells to metastasize and survive during traditional therapies, make these cells particularly sensitive to the grape seed extract treatment.”

The study found that resveratrol, an active ingredient found in grape seeds and skin, has many positive effects on the human body. We already mentioned that it helps in the regeneration of nerves, cartilage, joints and spine..
It Can also:
-- Inhibit pancreatic cancer cell proliferation
-- Protect against several types of viruses, although the whole process is still not scientifically determined. It is effective in treating herpes simplex type 1, Varicell-Zoster virus, human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, enterovirus type 71 (it can cause paralysis, including the heart as well)
-- Inhibit colon cancer growth
-- Cure stubborn fungal infections
-- Protect against Alzheimer’s disease
-- Protect the cardiovascular system
Recent studies also confirm the power of grape seeds. Researchers from the University of Kentucky conducted a study on the grape seed extract properties.

They found that it activates the death in 76% of the leukemia cells in 24 hours, which were exposed to the extract in a laboratory experiment.
Their research, published in the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, found that grape seed extract stimulates the destruction of leukemia cells together with a protein known as JNK, which regulates the destruction of cancer cells.

If you think that modern treatments are more powerful and better, think again. You are on the wrong side. We can all make the right choice when it comes to our health.

Although many plants have proven to be healing and effective in the treatment of various diseases and health conditions, the world of medicine still waits for the product made from grape seeds.

Grape seeds will lose their ability to interact with other substances during the processing and extraction, and this interaction between the components is crucial as they mutually enhance the beneficial properties and decrease the bad properties of the individual components.

Therefore, it is always good, if possible, to use the whole plant or a certain part of the plant, and the studies that prove the healing properties of an ingredient confirm the healing powers of nature, which made sure that everything around us has its own purpose.
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