Top 10 Health Benefits of Buah Merah (Red Fruit)

Medicinal plants and fruits are now widely used in treating various diseases, maybe common or even fatal sickness. As an example is the Buah Merah or the Red Fruit which is famously known for treating illnesses like cancer, aids, tumor, heart diseases and much more.

Buah Merah’s healing capacities were accidentally discovered in the year 2000 by Dr. Made Budi, MSC who was a Biologist and Lecturer in Cendrawasih University. This fruit can be found on the island of Papua. Dr. Budi discovered that the communities in Timika and Wamena were injesting large amounts of red fruits in everyday life and this helped them to treat many illnesses. That is why, he made an in a dept study on Buah Merah and found out that this red fruit is a real cure to many sicknesses since the fruit is rich in antioxidants, omega 3 and 9 and beta-carotene which enhances the body’s resistance and strengthens the immune system.

To be more guided here is a list of the health benefits of Buah Merah.

1. It can help cure AIDS

Among any other medicines, supplements, Buah Merah have shown effectiveness in avoiding and treating AIDS. By taking the fruit extract three times a day, it can help the patient increase body weight, make the skin smoother again, and help to grow the hair again. In short, it can help the patient to be much healthier again. Why is that? Buah Merah is rich in tocopherol and beta-carotene which strengthens the body’s immune system. Not just that, if these two antioxidants are combined these can kill the virus that triggers HIV and AIDS.

2. Buah Merah can heal Cancer

Cancer – the much-hated disease in this world. With Buah Merah, it can help in localizing the cancer cells making sure that it will not spread unimaginably in the patient’s body. Moreover, it eliminates the cancer cells. With the red fruit, it prevents the growth of cancer cells and stopped the spreading on affected patients. Also, it contains Omega-3 which can be used in the restoration of damaged cells and tissues especially to patients suffering from Breast Cancer.

3. It can cure Hepatitis

Hepatitis is actually a condition in which liver function is essential because of the virus. Hepatitis B and C usually are not handled may develop into liver cancer (sorosis). Red juice consists of antiviral and also antioxidant that could prevent the development of cancer cells. Additionally, the red fruit enhances the regrowth of liver cells.

Buah Merah is rich in antioxidants which can help in the growing of cells in the liver and restore it. This helps in enhancing the liver function and eliminating the virus that caused Hepatitis. The antioxidants prevent the liver from suffering from sorosis – liver cancer.

4. Helps in preventing Stroke

Stroke is one of the fatal ailments nowadays, it is commonly caused by hypertension. Buah Merah helps in boosting the flow of blood in the body making sure that oxygen in the blood is constant. This helps in lowering the level of blood pressure and helps the heart to pump in a good manner thus making the bloodstream thinner and avoids freezing that may lead to stroke.

5. It can prevent and stop Diabetes

The tocopherols in red fruit help in reducing the high amounts of sugar levels in the blood because it provides a sufficient amount of insulin. How is that? Simple, the tocopherols of Buah Merah enhances the toil of the pancreas in producing insulin at a constant level. With that, the level blood glucose becomes in its regular state. However, it is also advised that the management of diabetes may include proper diet and regular exercise. Some patients usually take insulin injections, however, these injections are not that cheap in price. So with Buah Merah extracts, treating diabetes can never be that so much expensive.

6. Buah Merah is rich in calcium to help avoid Osteoporosis

Buah Merah also helps in bone building and provides rich amount of calcium in order to avoid the risk of osteoporosis. This due to the fact the red fruit contains an abundant amount of calcium in this ratio, for every 55mg of red fruit there is 100g of calcium.

7. Buah Merah lowers Uric acid in your system

Like I said, Buah Merah is rich in tocopherols which can help in providing regular amounts of uric acid in the body because it improves the work system in the liver. Patients suffering from kidney stones usually take the extract three times a day helping their liver and kidney to be restored healthier again.

8. Buah Merah improves Brain Function

The content of omega 3 and also omega 6 in the red fruit can easily promote the brain functions and also improve cleverness. As a result, red fruit ideal for usage by kids.

Buah Merah is enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 which both enhances the function of the brain. This helps in improving immediate and critical thinking. It also boosts the delivery of signals from other senses to the brain thus improving the body’s response. That is why it is often recommended to kids and old people.

9. Buah Merah is rich in beta-carotene for your Eye Problems

As you know, Buah Merah is also rich in beta-carotene which can help in treating many kinds of eye disorders because it provides a sufficient amount of Vitamin A in the body. This helps in providing a clearer vision and immunity to radiation.

10. Buah Merah helps Increase Fertility

One of the major benefits of the red fruit is increasing the fertility among men. The vitamin E in Buah Merah boosts the growth and reproduction of sperms. Pretty self-explanatory right?

Beyond any doubts, Red Fruit is very promising in treating many illnesses and providing other healthful benefits. The discovery of its treating properties was a huge breakthrough in the sector of medicine and health. The common usage of Buah Merah is by extracting it and making the red juice. You can find Buah Merah Red Fruit in the market today in the form of Buah Merah Mix, developed by Essensa Naturale.

Buah Merah Mix is a healthy and refreshing juice drink, enriched with Natural Anti-Oxidant (Beta-Cryptosanthin) that boosts the immune system.


Gives Extra Energy & Improves Stamina
Boosts the Immune System
Fights Cancer Cells
Reduces Bad Cholesterol
Normalize Blood Sugar Level
Detoxify Toxins

BUAH MERAH MIX will help those are suffering from:

High Cholesterol
Alzheimer’s Disease
Brochial Problem
Prostrate Problem
Poor Memory
Urinary Tract Infection
Weak Body
Back Pain
Other Degenerative diseases

You can buy Buah Merah Mix Juice at P350 per bottle thru Authorized Dealer Nationwide. Contact Seller Click here

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