A Healthy Pregnancy with 10 Super Foods

Pregnancy is one of those moments in life that every woman is dreaming about but it also causes significant changes in the body. Almost every activity that is done can have a positive or a negative effect on the fetus so in order to enable the fetus in having a healthy development, one of the most beneficial things that every future mom can do is to eat healthy. These are one of the most popular and pregnant-friendly foods that every future mom should include in her diet:

  • Bananas
    Bananas help pregnant women boost their energy. They contain vitamins like B6, C, fibers, potassium, and magnesium and are known to have low amounts of calories. Bananas do not contain any sodium, cholesterol or fats. They have the ability to maintain the balance of fluids and can reduce water retention.

  • Dried apricots
    Dried apricots are known to have high amounts of iron and if pregnant women eat only a couple of them it is enough to satisfy ten percent of the daily amount of iron. Dried apricots also contain calcium, potassium, magnesium and also folic acid which help in the prevention of the bowl movement from getting inactive.

  • Sweet potato
    Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and calcium and are a known source of energy.

  • Dairy products
    Because of the high contents of calcium, a well known mineral vital for pregnant women, dairies are a must have during pregnancy. You should not limit yourself only to milk, but you can consume all types of dairies so your baby can have strong bones.

  • Tofu
    Thanks to its lush quantities of vitamins and minerals (iron, vitamins K, A, calcium, magnesium), tofu regulates normal blood clotting. It is also used by vegetarians and pregnant women as a substitute for proteins.

  • Broccoli
    Broccoli’s are full in potassium, folic acid and manganese which help your baby to build strong muscles.

  • Eggs
    It is no coincidence that all athletes consume eggs. They are the best source of proteins and in the same time are low in calories. Also, they are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Because of the fact that they are abundant with iron, folic acid and chorine, they can prevent birth defects and can help in keeping the amniotic membranes strong.

  • Fish
    They contain some of the most important ingredients for the development of the eyes and brain of your baby. Those ingredients are proteins and fatty acids, but it is important to remember that you should set a limitation in eating this delicious food to 2 times per week.

  • Sunflower seeds
    Sunflower seeds can give you zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, B, D, E and K, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which are essential for the development of your baby.

  • Chickpeas
    Chickpeas can be consumed raw or they can be added to all kinds of salads. They contain proteins, iron and fibers which have a massive nutritional value.